Petro Canada Compro XL-S 68 Compressor Fluid
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Petro-Canada’s COMPROTM XL-S Compressor Fluids are premium quality lubricants specifically designed to provide effective lubrication in rotary screw air compressors.
Compro XL-S fluids are formulated to included Petro-Canada's own pure hydrotreated base oils from the patented HT purity process, and / or Petro-Canada's own highly refined and severely processed hydroisomerized and catalytically dewaxed base oils for lubricant performance. Utilizing more than 25 years of formulating experience, Petro-Canada fortifies these thermally stable fluids with a specially selected additive combination to ensure high performance synergy in the finished lubricant.
With excellent oxidation stability, corrosion, deposit control and low volatility, COMPRO XLS provides up to 8,000 hours of continuous worry-free service for lubrication, sealing and effective heat removal for efficient compressor performance.
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